Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hashkiveinu - Let us lie down in peace

הַשְׁכִּיבֵנוּ יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ לְשָׁלוֹם
Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu L’shalom
Let us lie down in peace O Eternal our God

As anyone who has children knows, bedtime is one of those both sacred and scary times for kids.  And I think the same is true for adults.  We all have some sort of bedtime ritual, whether it is falling asleep in front of the TV, or reading a book, or practicing some sort of relaxation exercise.  Yet, the experience of going from a state of wakefulness to sleep can be a difficult time for many of us whether we are children or adults.

Recently, a dear friend who has been ill shared just how comforting an acknowledgement of God’s presence has been to her at bedtime.  During her stay in the hospital she has recited the traditional prayers before sleep not only at night but also as she was being put under anesthesia.  Praying the words, and making this part of her nightly ritual, had helped her to not only be less fearful, she told me, but also to recognize an opportunity for blessing – that God was with her as she went from wakefulness to sleep. 

These moments of connection with God, which exist in the lull between the hours of a busy day are the most precious and the most prayerful.  As we drift off to sleep, we are all linked to the divine source of life, and ask God to bless and watch over us as we find comfort and shelter in a night of rest.

(cross-posted in Moments of Inspiration -  Lafayette Journal and Courier - March 22, 2014)

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